Showcasing Your Company to Impact Investors
Elevate Your Pitch With A Trusted Independent PerspectiveTell Your Story To Impact Investors - Powerfully!
Impact Investors are looking for technologies like yours. Technologies that will have a positive, measurable social and environmental impact.
When assessing companies, impact investors are looking to make prudent, systematised investment decisions based on both a return on investment and the anticipated impact.
But, first of all you need their attention.
Stand out when talking with Impact Investors
Stories Sell. That's a Fact.Ready To Tell Your Story To Impact Investors?

Get in touch with me today to discuss how an independent article can help you gain an advantage with impact investors.
Enter your details below to receive more information including a link to download a full set of testimonials and case studies.
Getting Noticed By Impact Investors
This website is a platform dedicated to showcasing purpose-driven technology companies and leaders and the impact they aspire to create.
Uniquely focusing on technologies aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), Well That's Interesting Tech! elevates and promotes the companies, leaders and technologies that aspire to make our world a better places, for all.
Relatable, Contextual and Independent.
As with many types of investors, impact investors will have predefined investment criteria, but what matters most is that they "get it".
With an independent feature on this site you can set the context for your technology, explain the impact you are aiming for and make your company relatable to your future investors - in short I can help impact investors "get it" when it comes to your proposition.
Decades of Experience Marketing Startups and Tech Companies
I've been working in technology and marketing roles since 1997. My work has helped launch technologies we take for granted today, and has spanned international mega-corporations as well as tech startups across the UK, Europe and USA.
With this experience I can help you create a powerful, persuasive story that puts your technology in context and makes your impact ambitions relatable to investors.
Content plus Distribution
The first step is to create powerful content that your potential investors want to read that helps them understand your "why" and "how".
Beyond that, the Well, That's Interesting Tech! platform helps you get in front of the people that matter, proactively distributing content across powerful LinkedIn networks, and other social media channels.