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Daniel Maggs - HealthTech Startup Combats Global Health Issues with Lab On a Chip

HealthTech Startup Combats Global Health Issues with Lab On a Chip

In TechLeaderTalks, Health and Well Being by Scott

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Technology With Purpose Leader Interviews: 

Proactively Manage Your Health At Home With Microfluidic Lab On A Chip

Covid has shown that there's a huge awareness now of the importance of proactively managing your health in a non-neurotic way.

Daniel Maggs

Co-Founder & CEO, Bisu
The CEO and Co-founder of, Daniel Maggs, joins me to talk about how urine and saliva testing at home has evolved, and how their Home Health Lab technology makes the process easy, clean and effective.
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My Thoughts on the Conversation

Testing your bodily fluids isn't a topic many of us would bring up over breakfast. In some way, it is this stigma that I think Daniel at the team at Bisu are trying to overcome.

The benefits of urine and saliva testing have well been understood for a long time. Yet the difficulty of collecting and analysing these bodily fluids has either led to the true value of the analysis being restricted to medical-practitioner-led scenarios (e.g. a doctor's visit) or at-home-tests that are often open to interpretation or can provide questionable accuracy.

As in previous interviews (like the one with biowearable startup Levels) Daniel's sights are set on creating technology that is accessible, accurate and easy to use in the fight against global health crises, such as diabetes.

At Bisu, they are trying to make at-home urine testing not just easy and clean, but pleasurable. Now, whilst that was an interesting choice of words for me, Daniel continued by saying that the idea is to make a product that makes the user feel good about themselves, and that they want to use it again and again. The design philosophy reflects this and has resulted in a product that wouldn't look out of place even in your kitchen (not that we'd recommend using it in the kitchen, of course), and this is accompanied by a user journey through the app that helps the user understand, interpret and take action on the results in near-realtime (circa two minutes from test to result).

Whilst talking about regulation in the healthtech/medtech space, it was interesting to hear Daniel's opinion on how some health and wellness startups are making the mistake of focusing too much on marketing and scaling rather than science. He said that this is resulting in mislead consumers and hefty legal claims. One of the challenges he mentioned that healthtech startups face is the expectation put on them by investors to get something good enough that can scale fast. Daniel's advice for any medtech startup or investor is to remember that the science, data and validation is part of the execution, not just the technology alone.

In terms of the future, he sees applications of the urine and saliva test for nutritional testing, pet wellness, one that integrates with baby diapers, oral test, stress tests and even cow and livestock tests.

With a look back through the history of toilet test sensors, Daniel's advice is applicable to many startups and technology companies - make it work, make it accurate, but keep it simple.

Watch the video for more insights from Daniel, and do leave a comment to let me know what you think. Indeed, I'd love to hear of other leaders you think I should invite to the interviews.

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Scott is an Independent Technology Analyst, Content Writer and Connector of interesting people. Scott is a technologist at heart, with a history of technology innovation and marketing leadership roles. As the founder of this website and several other businesses, he is passionate about helping technology companies communicate their relevance and awesomeness in a way that engages and excites everybody. Get in touch with Scott here or connect with him on LinkedIn. Learn Scott's tips for content marketing, download his free template here..