With the cost of renewable energies falling to be on par with traditional fuels, more attention is being focused on how to effectively introduce these energy sources into the marketplace.
Unlike traditional energy generation, many of today's renewable energy sources are distributed both from a geographical, and, ownership point of view. Solar energy, in particular, can be generated and contributed to "the grid" by large scale solar farms, or from the roof top of a residential or commercial property. With this comes a plethora of commercial models along with variation in supply and availability.
Company Insights:
Kiwi Power
Pulling the right energy source into the mix at the right time of the day at the right price is a major challenge, and one this company is working hard to address.
Why I Find This Interesting
I talk about sustainability and climate change a lot on this website, and one of the things I've realised is that meaningful change will only happen through appropriate incentivisation. When it comes to corporations, I think we will continue to see more investor-led incentives. However, Kiwi Power is addressing another pain point that could catalyse impactful change - making it easier for energy suppliers to manage and profit from the distributed renewable energy assets that are now available, whether they are industrial, commercial or residential. With this, we could see more micro (residential), medium (commercial) and large (industrial) scale suppliers moving into the renewable energy supply chain, increasing the renewable share of the energy mix, accelerating our progress towards sustainable carbon emission reductions.
Kiwi Power
Kiwi Power provide a software as a service (SaaS) platform that simplifies management of distributed energy resources, otherwise known as "DER".
The aim of the platform is to make it easier for energy suppliers to manage an ever increasing abundance of energy sources in a way that increases profitability whilst minimising cost and most importantly, carbon emissions.
With their 2020 launch in the USA, Kiwi Power are now managing more than one gigawatt (1 GW) of power across ten countries
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