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wtiapi what is the role of tech in achieving the un sdgs

The Role of Tech in Achieving the SDGs

In WTIAPI Series, TechLeaderTalks by Scott

Related to UN SDG:
united nations sustainble development goal - UN SDG  3 united nations sustainble development goal - UN SDG  7 united nations sustainble development goal - UN SDG  8 united nations sustainble development goal - UN SDG  9 united nations sustainble development goal - UN SDG  11 united nations sustainble development goal - UN SDG  12 united nations sustainble development goal - UN SDG  13
I think technology has a huge role to play in achieving all of the SDGs
Dan Williams, CEO
The WTI API Video Series

What Role Will Technology Play in Achieving The Global Goals?

In this panel discussion I speak with three technology leaders about their views on the United Nation's SDGs, which ones they think are most important and what the role of technology will be in achieving the global goals.

Watch the video below

The Questions

I ask each of my guests to answer the same questions, in this episode:
  • Is there an SDG that is more important than others?
  • What role will tech play in achieving the SDGs?
  • What impact do you aspire to achieve?

The Guest List

This episode features the following technology leaders
Viola Hasani
COO, Co-Founder
Informing scope 1-3 Carbon Emissions decisions during product and service design.
Dan Williams
CEO, Co-Founder
Eliminating "small power" consumption and emissions by measuring and controlling every power outlet.
Soner Haci
CEO, Founder
Combining AI and wearable ultrasonic devices to perform medical monitoring outside of the hospital.

About the Series

In this series of interviews I aim to bring you inspiring thoughts and insights from technology leaders, while overcoming the scheduling and geographical constraints many of us experience in our busy lives.

Find out more
The WTI API Video Series

Watch the Interview

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It requires just 3 minutes of your time, and I do all the rest. In return for your 3 minutes, you'll get a valuable, independent piece of marketing content to help tell your story, time and time again.

Get in touch to find out about featuring on a future WTI API episode. Currently there is no fee to take part.
About the Author


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Scott is an Independent Technology Analyst, Content Writer and Connector of interesting people. Scott is a technologist at heart, with a history of technology innovation and marketing leadership roles. As the founder of this website and several other businesses, he is passionate about helping technology companies communicate their relevance and awesomeness in a way that engages and excites everybody. Get in touch with Scott here or connect with him on LinkedIn. Learn Scott's tips for content marketing, download his free template here..